DIY Spray Booth, Can i build my own and how much does it cost?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get directed at me; particular from new customers whom are setting up a business for the first time and are quite restricted by budget.

There are certainly some things you should know if you are attempting to build your own spray booth and we will go through that a little further in this article. However the most important thing you should know is that if you are planning on making your booth compliant to Australian Standards, (which you should be) then making your own booth can and likely will cost as much, if not more than a new pre-engineered kit form booth. Believe you me, by the time you add up all your receipts + your time you will find that you would have been better off with bolt together kit that compliant out of the box. But don’t take my word for it, do the number!

Budget Open Face Spray Booth
Check out the kit booths first! You can get a bolt together kit booth which represents the best dollar value, you can get a bolt together kit and install it yourself. Saving on labor and without the headaches

Still want to build you own? Get some good advice

The first thing i suggest to do is purchase and download the Australian Standards 4114:2020 from SIA global and also a copy of the hazardous area standards. This will set you back less than $150 each and getting familiar with the design rules and compliance requirements while complected is the only way you will be able to build a compliant booth.

As you likely never built a spray booth before and you want to take this journey only attempt a open face type spray booth. This is the most basic of spray booth designs and with the right design and parts it can be done. Anything more complex than this, don’t even try it. There are simply too many ways to go wrong! While we don’t suggest building your own paint booth we have suggested some important things to consider below, have a read and call us to discuss further.

4114:2020 and Hazardous Area Standards AS60079

After reading the 4114:2020 standards it will be best to speak to your local Truflow representative, they will be able to help you get a list of critical parts together. Sizing fans, control systems and designing your booths openings and filtration will be important to make sure it works correctly.

Our reps will be happy to help you, give them a call 1300 266847 or directly via the contact us page of our website.

Get the right Parts…

Head over to the Truflow store, there is a huge list of parts here to help you along the way. Warning: Don’t be tempted by ebay fans, this will end in tears! They are simply not compliant to hazardous areas standards. You a better off purchasing the right fans, controls and ducting first time. They also come with certifications which will make life easy at the end when you get the local state authority to inspect your booth for final certificate.

Control Boxes… Yes you must have one!

Control Board for Dry Booth
Purging, Airflow monitoring, alarms, interlocking… There is a bit to look at. You will need a control box to make everything work Check out control box prices

Exhaust Fan… ExĂ© Rated and certified to IECex

Exhaust fans
Do not get caught out with non-compliant fans, Make sure you get a compliant fan unit which is rated and certified. Check out the range and prices here.

Ducting… Velocities are the key to making it work

Ductwork and Sheetmetal for spraybooths
Ducting is a must and should be designed to suit you fan, air velocity is critical to performance. Have a look at ducting here.

Paint Booth Lighting, avoid the pitfalls

Compliant Spray Booth lighting
Lighting has so many options to look at, due to the area classification lighting can be very expensive with spray booth EX rated lights starting from $1563 each! Compliant lighting can be hard to achieve in a paint booth, make sure you get some good advice from a hazardous electrician or engineer.

Cabin… Insulated Panel, Sheet-metal or modular DIY

With you cabin there are some critical design elements to ensuring your filtration, intake and exhaust locations as well as wall construction are suitable. Truflow offer design assistance and sheetmetal panels that can easily make a cabin of any size.

Dry Filter Spray Booth
Sheetmetal Cabins are a cost effective bolt together structure.

Certification and Inspection… Sign Off

The certificate adn inspection will vary in each state of Australia in terms of whom will provide the final sign off. However every paint booth must be wired and acompanied by certification of design as well as the installationc ertificate from a registered A Grade Electrician whom is qualified in hazardous area installations.

Once you have wired the booth with a licenced electrician as nominated above, then a 3rd party inspector will check the job and provide sign off.

In Victoria this is done by ESV ( Energy Safe Victoria)

In QLD this is done by HAA (Registered Hazadous Area Auditor)

In NSW this is signed off by the Registered and Licensed electrician and for complex installations by Ausgrid.

SA, WA , TAS all have similar processes and you need to make sure the right group / person signs off. Without this your booth is not certificated which can leave you at risk!

Guide only, give us a call for a chat.

This article is intended as an informational guide only, it is not intended as a instruction or process. We are here to help, so please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members. We will be happy to help no matter what the project is you want to take on.

If you had questions about how to build or if you should build your own booth I hope this article has helped.

Call 1300 266847 and Speak to our Sales. If you want to speak with me directly please ask for Chris Spencer